If you are
looking to find private money for your real estate transaction,
search no more.
We can find
private money to meet your needs, whether for commercial,
residential, apartment buildings or unique property types.
We work with
private money investors throughout the state of California.
Due to our large network of private investors, we are able to find
private money for transactions that others are not.
Most of our
private money loans are interest only loans, with rates ranging from
11% to 12%, although each transaction is unique and pricing is done
on a deal by deal basis.
Private money
loans that we put together typically range from a twelve month term
to a three year term. We are able to find private money with
longer terms if the transaction is right.
If you have been
searching for private money, give us a call or send us an email with
your scenario today. We can let you know quickly whether or
not we can help, and can get the process started for you